Update on Martez Anderson, 38, Charles Sutton, 42, Lance Webb, 27
The three were arraigned on November 9, 2009. Sutton acquired a private attorney. A reduction in bail was filed and granted by Judge Tucker. The hearing was set for November 13, 2009.
On Friday, November 13, 2009 the judge reduced bail for all three, considerably.
Sutton, and Webb reduced from $500,000 to $100,000. Anderson, reduced from $500,000 to $150,000.
Hey, after all, this is only a Class 4 felony. And what is a Class 4 Felony? One step above a misdemeanor. Oh my, how can that be you ask? Torture and murder barely ranks a felony?
The fact: Most animal abuse cases are still considered a misdemeanor.
Another FACT: There are no charges in the state of Illinois for animal abuse/torture/murder that goes higher than Class 3 Felony.
Now, if we ever ever see that charge, it is usually reduced down to a Class 4. Then, of THOSE, very few are found guilty. The very few that are found guilty, or plea guilty, usually get only one year probation or supervision, which means nothing to them because all this is just part of their culture as well as part of their family life going back generations and subsequently being taught to future generations.
Now, back to Anderson, Sutton, and Webb:
Sutton’s private attorney said Sutton owns a house and his wife had a daycare in the house, but the daycare had been shut down. . . . (Well duh, people!!!! . . . The dog fighting was occurring on the same property as the the daycare business.) Anderson’s public defender sobbed about how Anderson had three kids. The same public defender represented Webb and explained how Webb was a good guy because he worked for PIT BULL RESCUE as well as other animal organizations, therefor, Webb, of course, could not be involved in dog fighting.
Webb worked for Pit Bull Rescue. Yep. This is what happens when those Pollyannas who believe if you let these people get involved with working with animals, training, rescuing, etc. that they become sensitive to the feelings of animals. . . Kind of like letting a pedophile work with kids. . . They sure know how to work the system, and many of those in the system. Wonder how many poor creatures have (and will) suffer at the hands of the fox that the farmer puts in charge of the hens. -
While I was attending a different dog abuse case I stepped into the hall to get a drink of water during one of the recesses. The defendant in that case was happily walking down the hall swinging her arms. (Yes, women are involved with animal abuse and dog fighting.) Another woman in the hall (who appeared to knew the defendant) asked the defendant “how did the investigation go yesterday” and what were the names of the investigator(s). I couldn’t hear all the conversation, but they were laughing and the defendant’s’ friend then said: “Yeah, I have so many subpoenas I can’t keep track either.”
Yep, it's all a big game and joke with them. They are in the right, the law is a nuisance, and the police are the enemy they have to fool. . . . . And the rest of us? We are of no consequence. A dying breed.
The criminals know how to work the system. They live outside the law, and morality is a subjective tool that applies only to them. Spending time in court is a way of life. Spending time in jail is merely a brief inconvenience, and a part of their culture.
For defense attorneys it is a bigger game. They care nothing about consequences. Empathy is a concept unknown to them. Causing further pain and anguish to victims is of no concern to them. Swelling their ego by being able to cleverly maneuver our bleeding heart laws to show their "intelligence" is a prize they wave proudly.
Want to win? It will not happen by playing fair.
We are drowning in our fairness.
There is ample free parking. See you there????
Here is a photo of Martez Anderson

When Martez Anderson's cell phone was reviewed a video showing a man burning a live dog to death.
Here is the news coverage on this horrendous atrocity:
YouTube video from the day of the raid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS8aptp-Fd8
Follow-up story from the day of the bond hearing: http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2009/09/dogfighting-maywood-cook-county-sheriff-police-court-bond.html
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