The names of the three individuals arrested are:
Martez Anderson, 38
Charles Sutton, 42
Lance Webb, 27
According to Martez Anderson, who was interviewed by a reporter the day of the raid,
"All these criminals out there and they are wasting the tax payer's money on this".
Here is a photo of Martez Anderson

When Martez Anderson's cell phone was reviewed a video showing a man burning a live dog to death.
Before I make any comments, I would like to share a couple of comments posted by individuals who responded to the report on YouTube.
First from someone who identifies himself (or herself) as VictoryCough. “Dogs are kept in cages, on leashes and forced into shows. Animals are property, we deal with them as such in the legal system. I find animal abuse morally repugnant, but for a state to be able to take away the life and liberty of an individual for fighting dogs? Dog fighting should be legal. Animals are property. Rights should be reserved for humans.”
Now from someone who identifies himself as swordofisis. “And when a canine makes a moving political statement like that on TV then Ill listen. otherwise you are anthropomorphizing and believing that something is true because you think it is or should be. We should bar-b-q those mutts on the flames of a thousand bibles and serve them up as free "Hot Dogs!" for the homeless.”
OK, what is MY reply to VictoryCough and swordofisis?
PROPERTY???!!!! These two individuals are apparently as defective as Martez Anderson, Charles Sutton, and Lance Webb.
Dogs have the same sensory nervous system as humans. Why don't we tear the flesh from the above individuals then staple their skin back on.
And fear? Do these people actually BELIEVE animals don't experience fear? . . .
"One without inner strength must show their strength through domination and destruction."
Dog fighting is abuse. Abuse, whether it is human or animal is abuse. Inflicting fear & pain is abuse. Animals feel the same pain we feel. It is also a documented fact that those who abuse animals also abuse their spouses & children. Illinois just signed into law that when animal abuse is discovered within a home that the authorities are to also investigated child abuse, & vise versa. It should also be noted that when houses that are raided for dog fighting, drugs & weapons are also found.
The law is changing on companion animals being considered "property". A sign of a society that is becoming advanced. Anyone who has no empathy for the pain of others is a sociopath. A sociopath is defective. They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be changed. They are a danger to ALL other life. Laws are set in place because there ARE those in society who cannot & will not respect anything that doesn't make them feel good. They will inflict pain, suffering, & death with no remorse.
Yes, these people SHOULD be locked away from society. If not, how about letting them buy the house next to, or move into the apartment next to, VictoryCough, swordofisis, the defense attorneys who defend them, and the judges who allow them to walk among us.
These are evil people, and anyone who defends their actions apparently are also incapable of feeling the pain and fear that these innocent animals go through. I ask, what in the hell is wrong with those who think it is fine to allow such heinous atrocities to continue?
In MOST of these animal abuse cases people like these get no jail time. The defense attorneys find some loop hole and they are set free, or they get suspended sentences, or they get supervision. THAT is our legal system. Animals ARE still considered "property" in our legal system.
When are the “caring” humans that are outraged going to stand up and say: “No more, enough is enough”.
"To ignore and do nothing is to condone." And you may quote me.
Here is the YouTube video from the day of the raid:
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