And you have Obama to thank.
For all his lip service about adopting from a shelter, Barack Obama accepted a Portuguese water dog as a gift from one of his Kennedy buddies. Am I surprised? Not in the least. Ah, but wait, it’s OK because this dog was returned by it’s first purchaser.
That makes it all better.
Someone said to me that she thought the kids “were allergic to most breeds, and this breed is safe”.
I want these kids tested for allergies. I want this dog tested.
When Disney released the live film version of 101 Dalmatians, a run on Dalmatian puppies soon followed. Most of the purchasers of these Dalmatians never investigated the temperament of Dalmatians, or how these dogs would fit into their families. It was the breed of the moment. The breed their little darling kids wanted. The breed that people would acknowledge as the owners proudly walked their spotted trophies.
This rush to be “in” lead to many unwanted dogs.
Want to make some money? Puppy mills are going to have a money making field day with this. Don’t think this is going to happen? Think again.
Portuguese water dogs have already started to be bred in masses as I write this. The so called legitimate breeders will have a hard time keeping up with the demand. Those who miss out on the supply of Portuguese water dogs from the breeders, or can’t afford the price the breeders are asking, will flood the the pet stores in search of the President’s dog. Supply and demand is the greedy puppy mill’s greatest ally.
Puppy mills are cheering you Mr. President. . . . .
And for those who believe the President has more important things on his plate than setting an example for his children and making a statement about the lack of concern for pet overpopulation and the millions of companion animals that are euthanized each year . . .
The Kennedy family apparently agrees.
But I’m sure this is no surprise to Mary Jo Kopechne.
“Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives.” ~Albert Schweitzer
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