Where have all the cowboys gone?

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Right off the bat here I will let everyone know that the site, Where's Parker, is dedicated to the education leading to changing the laws in this country in regards to dog fighting, puppy mills, and all other forms of animal abuse which also includes the rounding up and genocide of feral cats and the blind eye toward education about the importance of spaying and neutering. . . . . Having witnessed court cases, I am sickened, disgusted, and angered at the lack of morality in this inept judicial system, and the apathy of all those associated with it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Puppy Killer Daniel Hopkins

Puppy Killer Daniel Hopkins Must Receive Maximum Penalty.

On April 18, Daniel Hopkins kicked his wife’s 11-month-old bulldog puppy, Pineapple, to death in a rage. Hopkins is now out on bond.

Please click and then sign the petition below.  Thank you.

Puppy Killer Daniel Hopkins Must Receive Maximum Penalty Petition | GoPetition


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