Where have all the cowboys gone?

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Right off the bat here I will let everyone know that the site, Where's Parker, is dedicated to the education leading to changing the laws in this country in regards to dog fighting, puppy mills, and all other forms of animal abuse which also includes the rounding up and genocide of feral cats and the blind eye toward education about the importance of spaying and neutering. . . . . Having witnessed court cases, I am sickened, disgusted, and angered at the lack of morality in this inept judicial system, and the apathy of all those associated with it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Defense Attorney For "Browns Chicken" Murderer Is Now A Judge

There are many judges I could, and will in time, discuss. However, I have recently come across one that must be addressed immediately.

His name is Judge Clarence Burch.

Clarence Burch was the defense attorney for Juan Luna. Juan Luna? One of the murderers at the Brown’s Chicken Restaurant on January 8, 1993.

Now Clarence Burch has been awarded a bench in which he will be able to flaunt his talent at defending criminals.

Judge Clarence Burch is apparently blissfully ignorant of many of the attributes associated with criminals and the way criminals do business.

For instance. He recently presided over a case where 13 pit bulls were removed from an apartment. Two adult pits and 11 puppies. All in cages. Some of the puppies were dead.

Officers were called to the scene by the landlord. The fighting and crying of the dogs could be heard by the 16 year veteran Chicago Police Officer as this officer drove toward the building and before exiting the car.

The CPD officer (first on the scene) said neighbors were complaining that there were sounds of dogs fighting since 6:00 A.M. that day. The owner of the building was there and informed the officer that the defendant was in the process of moving because it had been discovered she had dogs, and dogs were not allowed in the building. The owner of the building gave the officer permission to enter the apartment by whatever means necessary.

Upon entering the premises the Animals Control officer stated that in the kitchen there was a cage with two adult pits fighting. There were also puppies in the cage with these two fighting dogs. The puppies were dead.

All Judge Clarence Burch wanted to hear was if entry to the defendants apartment was warranted.

He didn’t care at all about the conditions of the dogs.

Every time any question was presented to the officer about the condition of the dogs or the apartment, the public defender objected and Judge Clarence Burch sustained it.

Although the first officer on the scene followed protocol and called for Animal Care and Control, the defense argued that IF this was an emergency why didn’t the officer enter? Why did the officer wait 40 minuets for the Animal Control Officers to arrive?

(Who wants to bet that if the officer had entered the apartment, WITHOUT contacting Animal Care and Control, that the officer’s actions would have ALSO been wrong.)

Although the officer testified that the dogs could be heard yapping, fighting, whining, and crying as the officer drove up, even before the officer got out of the car, this wasn’t good enough for the judge.

Why? Because the officer entered the apartment AFTER the Animal Control Officers took out the two large pit bulls, and the officer testified that upon entering the apartment only the puppies were there, whining. . . . And to reiterate, the officer was NOT allowed to testify to the condition of the two adult dogs or the puppies, some that were dead.

Judge Clarence Burch said that there was no way that a mother and father dog could have been making noises similar to dogs fighting, as was described by the officer. The judge even said that the officer herself admitted that there was just “whining” from the puppies when she entered the apartment.

The “not guilty” defendant was laughing as she got on the elevator. Wonder how many more dogs she collected by that night? Think she or Judge Clarence Burch have lost any sleep thinking about those little dead puppies?

13 dogs in cages. Breeding pit bulls. What did the judge think these dogs were for? Either Judge Clarence Burch is beyond ignorant about the business of dog fighting, or more likely, he actually doesn’t give one rat’s ass about cruelty and death.

After all, he takes pride in defending murderers.

Clarence Burch has no right being on a judges bench.

He knows one side of the law, and he favors that side while wallowing in his stupidity and lake of desire for justice.

As a judge, Clarence Burch is a danger to society.

For more info on Burch and his role as a defense attorney:


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